Halo sahabat crypto Indonesia, beberapa waktu yang lalu saya telah membahas tentang Parkgene, Parkgene adalah sebuah proyek yang mengembangkan sebuat platform yang memungkinkan penggunanya bisa dengan cepat mendapatkan tempat parkir yang layak untuk kendaraan mereka, uniknya lagi platform ini telah di dukung dengan teknologi Blockchain.
Kali ini saya akan menyampaikan kabar gembira dari Parkgene setelah peluncuran Dompet dan kartu debit Parkgene. Anda akan mendapatkan 50 token gene setelah menginstal dan login ke dompet mobile Parkgene.

Dompet multicurrency akhir untuk menahan GENE, Bitcoin, Eter dan banyak koin lainnya
1. Akses dana Anda dari satu tempat
2. Kirim, Terima, Beli GENE dan koin lainnya dengan Kartu Kredit Anda
3. Exchange GENE untuk Cryptocurrencies atau FIAT lainnya
4. Bayar untuk Parkir dan lebih banyak layanan dari satu tempat
5. Terima Bonus Ganda untuk aktivitas anda *

   1. Anda bisa mendownloadnya DISINI
   2. Jalankan aplikasi dompet mobile Parkgene
   3. Login dengan Email anda masing-masing
   4. Dapatkan 50 Gene ($5) setiap anda menginstal Parkgene
   5. Selesai

Dapatkan Dompet GENE dan masukkan ICO PARKGENE dengan kartu kredit / debit Anda
1.Bayar dengan kartu kredit / debit Anda untuk membeli Token GENE di ICO
2. Menerima semua bonus seperti yang ditawarkan di
3. Transfer token GENE Anda langsung ke Dompet GENE Anda

API & SDK untuk pembayaran pihak ketiga
1. API & SDK, dalam peta jalan (diharapkan Q2 2018).
2. Sambungkan aplikasi parkir, otomotif, atau aplikasi lain untuk memungkinkan pembayaran
3. GENE, Cryptos atau FIAT lainnya diterima 

GENE Card dalam peta jalan
1. Sambungkan Dompet GENE Anda ke Kartu GENE
2. Lakukan pembayaran ke pedagang manapun di seluruh dunia
3. Withraw cash dari ATM manapun di seluruh dunia
4. Protokol kripto yang dikelola secara dinamis, secara otomatis melengkapi kartu Anda

Zero fees, Activity Cashback dan GENE Token burning

1. 0% biaya untuk setiap transaksi kriptokokus antara Dompet GENE
2. Menerima cashback 2% di Token GEN untuk pembayaran yang dilakukan di Ekosistem PARKGENE atau  
       dengan GENE Card
3. 33% biaya transaksi, yang dibayarkan di GENE di luar ekosistem PARKGENE, akan dibakar

* Bonus token diberikan per instalasi aplikasi dan pendaftaran akun pertama
Bonus token bisa digunakan untuk pembayaran di ekosistem PARKGENE dan bukan untuk trading

Ayo sahabat Crypto Indonesia dimanapun anda berada jangan sampai ketinggalan, Beli Token Gene sekarang untuk masa depan. Dapatkan 50% Bonus dari pembelian Token Gene, Saat ini tersisa kurang lebih sembilan hari lagi untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam ICO Parkgene. Jika anda ingin mengikuti ICO Parkgene anda bisa mengunjungi Link yang saya sematkan dibwah ini.





     Halo sahabat coiners Indonesia, Kali ini saya akan mengulas sebuah proyek yang mengembangkan sebuat platform yang memungkinkan penggunanya bisa dengan cepat mendapatkan tempat parkir yang layak untuk kendaraan mereka, uniknya lagi platform ini telah di dukung dengan teknologi Blockchain. Ayooooo penasarankan apa itu Parkgene…??? Baca terus penjelasan saya tentang parkgene berikut ini.
Parkgene adalah cara yang mudah dan aman untuk menemukan tempat parkir, menghubungkan driver, perorangan dan bisnis. Setiap pengemudi tahu betapa sulitnya menemukan tempat parkir yang layak di kota yang ramai. Entah itu terlalu mahal atau ramai sehingga Anda tidak bisa menemukan tempat. Hal ini sangat membuat frustrasi untuk mencari dan bahkan jika kebetulan kita menemukan sesuatu, kemungkinan besar itu ada di sudut tempat parkir yang teduh dan mahal tanpa ada perlindungan atau pengawasan sehingga kita akhirnya takut bahwa kita akan kembali dan menemukan mobil tanpa Roda itu akan hilang begitu saja. Bahkan jika kita menemukan tempat yang bukan tempat parkir yang teduh, kemungkinan besar akan berada di jalan yang ramai jauh dari tempat kita ingin pergi dan itu masih belum ideal karena siapa tahu jika seseorang tidak akan menggaruknya. atau lebih buruk dari itu. Jujur saya tidak suka pilihan baik jadi ide seperti PARKGENE sangat cocok untuk saya.
Simak Video berikut :
Visi kami adalah mengganggu industri tradisional – terutama offline – Parking, berukuran $ 100 Miliar per tahun, dan untuk memberi pengalaman berkendara yang lebih baik kepada pengemudi, sekaligus membantu kota menjadi lebih cerdas dan ramah lingkungan.Kami akan menetapkan token GENE sebagai mata uang untuk industri otomotif, yang memungkinkan pengemudi membayar parkir dan mengintegrasikannya dengan layanan mobilitas, kendaraan, dan infrastruktur otomotif. 
Itu adalah pertanyaan termudah untuk dijawab dengan jujur. PARKGENE menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk mencari tempat secara fisik, menangani masalah tempat parkir teduh dan membiarkan Anda tetap tenang karena mobil Anda berada dalam tempat yang aman. Dengan aplikasinya yang memiliki versi beta yang keluar pada Februari 2018, orang-orang dapat menemukan tempat parkir yang aman dengan mudah dan kami akan membayar lebih sedikit untuk itu. Aplikasi ini menggunakan teknologi peer-to-peer untuk menghubungkan driver dengan pemilik parkir secara langsung. Setelah reservasi aplikasi akan mentransfer jumlah yang diperlukan dari dompet pengemudi ke pemilik taman `s. Izinkan saya memberi tahu Anda sesuatu yang mungkin sudah Anda duga: tidak akan mentransfer dolar atau euro. PARKGENE menetapkan token GENE sebagai mata uang utama yang akan digunakan di aplikasi. 
Pengemudi mencari tempat parkir terhubung dengan pemilik parkir melalui aplikasi PARKGENE.Begitu sopir memesan tempat parkir, pemesanan tersebut memicu kontrak cerdas PARKGENE di Blockchain Publik Etereum.Aplikasi PARKGENE mentransfer jumlah biaya parkir penuh, dalam GENES, dari dompet pengemudi, ke tempat penyimpanan (dompet sementara). Jika pengemudi tidak memiliki cukup GENE, dia dapat menggunakan kartu kreditnya atau alat pembayaran lainnya (bitcoins, eter) untuk membeli GENE secara real-time dan membayar untuk transaksi.
Reservasi dan pembayaran yang berhasil menawarkan driver dan pemilik parkir fitur tambahan yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan sesi parkir:Misalnya, pengemudi akan memiliki kemampuan untuk membuka pintu garasi menggunakan ponselnya, sementara pemilik parkir diberi tahu dan bisa memonitor – video masuk kendaraan dan keberangkatan. Fungsi opsional ini dimungkinkan dengan menggunakan alat akses jarak jauh, yang saat ini tersedia di pasaran, terintegrasi di platform PARKGENE, atau melalui perangkat PARKGENE berbiaya rendah.Pada akhir sebuah transaksi yang sukses, para pihak menyimpulkan sebuah kontrak cerdas mengenai Ethereum, dengan masuk dan konfirmasi mengenai blockchain tersebut.Pemilik tempat parkir menerima 75% kontrak cerdas di token GENE, dari tempat penyimpanan ke dompet mereka, saat pengemudi check out dari tempat parkir.

Sisanya 25% didistribusikan sebagai berikut:

5% dari jumlah total dibayarkan kepada pemilik tempat parkir dan tempat parkir karena mereka melakukan beberapa tindakan yang meningkatkan ekosistem (misalnya Rating, ulasan).
20% dari jumlah total dibayarkan ke PARKGENE untuk menutupi operasional, pengembangan, layanan awan dan biaya iklan.

Setiap saat, pengguna platform dapat membeli atau menjual token GENE untuk mata uang FIAT (USD, EUR, JPY, CNY, dll.) Atau kripto daya lainnya (BTC, ETH, dll.) Dengan menggunakan beberapa layanan pertukaran kriptocurrency yang memperdagangkan GENE token.GENE tersedia dalam edisi terbatas dari 1,000.000.000 Token GENE.Kami berharap bahwa peningkatan pengguna dan jumlah kontrak cerdas akan meningkatkan permintaan GENE di antara para pengemudi, yang menghasilkan token bahwa penyedia layanan lainnya (yaitu Tolls, Car Wash, Car Insurance, penyedia layanan Tow dll) akan menerima pembayaran untuk layanan mereka.
PARKGENE Lebih dari sekedar layanan parkir yang meliputi :
• Layanan parkir profesional 
• Kotamadya 
• Otomotif terkait: 
           • Cuci Mobil 
           • Tol 
           • Layanan Otomotif
           • Suku Cadang 
           • Asuransi


Untuk menjalankan visi PARKGENE, kami meluncurkan Token Sale untuk menerbitkan token GENE di blokir Etereum publik. Token yang disebut GENE Tokens akan ditawarkan selama PRA-ICO Closed Round dan penjualan umum ICO.Pada tanggal 15 Desember 2017, PARKGENE akan meluncurkan PRA-ICO Closed Round untuk mendistribusikan hingga 2% dari persediaan token (tutup keras selama PRA-ICO Closed Round Token Sale adalah 20 juta Token Gen). Untuk berpartisipasi dalam PRA-ICO Closed Round Token Sale Anda harus memenuhi syarat dan menerima undangan. [The PRE-ICO Closed Round adalah SOLD-OUT]ICO Publik akan dimulai pada tanggal 15 Januari 2018, pukul 10.00 WIB, untuk mendistribusikan hingga 35% dari persediaan token. 
Token GENE yang tidak terjual di fase ICO akan dibakar
 ICO akan dilakukan di Platform Token Sale PARKGENE. Untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam ICO PARKGENE dan mendapatkan Token GENE, Anda harus mendaftar untuk mendapatkan akun gratis. Token GENE akan dikeluarkan sebagai token cadangan ERC20 untuk blokir Etereum sehingga Anda memerlukan dompet Ethereal yang kompatibel dengan ERC20 untuk menerimanya.Anda bisa membayar di Ethers, Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, Dash. Litecoin dan USD via wire transferToken GEN akan diterbitkan di Blockchain Ethereal di akhir Penjualan Token dan didistribusikan ke kontributor. Kami berharap GENE akan diperdagangkan di Bursa Cryptocurrency sesaat setelah penerbitannya.
Bagi sahabat Coiners yang ingin berinvestasi bersama Parkgene, anda bisa mengunjungi Tautan di bawah Ini :





Halo sahabat crypto Indonesia dimanapun anda berada, masih ingat kan tentang Parkgene sebuah proyek yang mengembangkan sebuat platform yang memungkinkan penggunanya bisa dengan cepat mendapatkan tempat parkir yang layak untuk kendaraan mereka, uniknya lagi platform ini telah di dukung dengan teknologi Blockchain.
Parkgene sangat antusias untuk meluncurkan Dompet GENE, dompet multi-kriptografi yang kuat, nyaman, dan terdiferensiasi, untuk iOS dan Android, dapat menyimpan Eter, BTC, GENE dan Token ERC-20 lainnya dan menangani kartu kredit dan debit untuk FIAT transaksi ” kata John Zarifis, CTO dari PARKGENE, “Selain peluncuran GENE Mobile Wallet, kami menambahkan Fungsi Kartu Uang / Debet dengan penambahan Kartu GENE, yang direncanakan pada Q3 2018, dalam peta jalan kami. Pengguna akan dapat menghubungkan dompet GENE mereka ke kartu fisik tempat mereka dapat membeli produk dan layanan dengan menggunakan mata uang FIAT. Kartu GENE akan memberikan cara yang kuat, mudah, dan fleksibel untuk menukar kripto dengan FIAT dengan memanfaatkan algoritma dinamis real-time untuk memaksimalkan nilai portofolio mata uang Crypto pengguna.
Kali ini mereka meluncurkan Dompet dan kartu debit Gene, yang bisa diakses oleh penggunanya untuk melakukan transaksi pembayaran yang aman. Uniknya dompet Gene bisa di akses dengan multy-currency salah satunya adalah Bitcoin dan Ethereum.
Sejalan dengan roadmap pengembangan produk Parkgene dengan senang hati mengumumkan peluncuran Dompet GENE dan penambahan Kartu GENE sebagai perpanjangan ekosistem PARKGENE. Ini menawarkan potensi pertumbuhan besar untuk token GENE sebagai alat pembayaran untuk berbagai jenis transaksi dan pedagang.

Anda bisa mencari tahu tentang dompet GENE di sini:

Peluncuran Dompet GENE dan Kartu GENE, hadir sebagai hasil penelitian dan pengembangan terus-menerus dalam membuat PARKGENE menjadi standar untuk Pasar Parkir generasi berikutnya dan memungkinkan Token GENE menjadi alat pembayaran utama untuk semua pembayaran industri otomotif. .

Kami pertama-tama mengaktifkan pengguna untuk menyimpan token GENE mereka – menyimpan kriptourrurrency lain sebaik mata uang FIAT dan menggunakan dompet untuk membayar layanan di seluruh PARKGENE dan ekosistem industri otomotif, serta mengeluarkan kripto untuk pembayaran tradisional dalam bentuk apapun.

Rilis awal GENE Wallet membawa serangkaian fitur standar dengan semua yang Anda harapkan dari aplikasi dompet mobile yang tangguh.

Dompet GENE akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk menyimpan, membeli, dan menukar token GENE dari hari 1, sementara Bitcoin dan ETH sudah terintegrasi dengan mudah dan fungsinya akan tersedia sebelum 15 Maret.

Dompet GENE juga akan membentuk saluran akuisisi bervolume tinggi baru untuk layanan Parkir PARKGENE P2P dan menyajikan peluang penjualan silang untuk produk dan layanan industri otomotif terkait melalui GENE Wallet API, yang selanjutnya meningkatkan permintaan token GENI di seluruh sektor.

Transaksi antara Dompet GENE untuk kripto yang tidak membawa komisi nol. Selain itu, token GENE akan menjadi alat pembayaran untuk biaya transaksi di luar ekosistem dengan 33% dari token ini dibakar.

-Dompet ERC-20 untuk menyimpan token GENE dan token ERC-20 lainnya, terintegrasi di masa depan
-Dompet untuk menyimpan Bitcoin dan Ethereal
-Keamanan tingkat lanjut dengan penyimpanan dingin untuk semua kriptocurrency dan Token GENE
Beli token GEN menggunakan kartu kredit / debit selama ICO dengan Bonus 50%
-Mendukung pembelian, deposit, dan penarikan token GENE (setelah ICO)
-Airdrop dari 50 token GENE gratis untuk setiap pendaftaran pengguna baru
Bonus rujukan (dalam Token GENE) untuk tindakan berbagi komunitas 

BTC dan Ethereum akan didukung di versi berikutnya
-Beli menggunakan kartu kredit / debit
Mendukung simpanan dan penarikan
-Penyimpanan dingin

Lebih banyak kripto yang didukung – termasuk token ERC-20
-Kartu Debit GENE
-API / SDK untuk memberi pengembang kemampuan untuk masuk ke ekosistem dompet GENE sebagai opsi pembayaran kriptokokus. Dengan cara ini pengguna dompet GENE dapat memanfaatkan layanan peer-to-peer dan profesional inovatif di salah satu sektor industri dan jasa yang paling cepat berkembang, industri Otomotif.
-Layanan pertukaran untuk kripto yang didukung.
Parkgene juga menawarkan pelanggan PARKGENE sebuah dunia layanan otomotif dalam satu aplikasi yang mudah digunakan. Parkgene meramalkan pertumbuhan yang sangat besar pada produk dan layanan otomotif cerdas dan meluncurkan dompet PARKGENE untuk lebih memanfaatkan ekosistem ini dan memanfaatkan peluang pertumbuhan. “- Louis Hatzis, CEO PARKGENE 
Aplikasi dompet GENE adalah aplikasi seluler yang tersedia di Google Play Store untuk perangkat Android. Versi IOS sedang menunggu rilis di Apple Store. Fungsi Kartu Debit E-Money direncanakan pada Q3, 2018. API / SDK GENE tersedia Q2, 2018.

PARKGENE PTE LTD adalah platform berbasis blockchain terukur yang memungkinkan pengemudi untuk memesan parkir langsung dari pemilik tempat parkir individu dengan harga lebih rendah dan dengan kenyamanan meningkat. Teknologi desentralisasi PARKGENE menciptakan tempat parkir baru di kota-kota yang sudah padat, yang sekarang tetap tidak dimanfaatkan, dengan memungkinkan tidak hanya peer-to-peer tapi juga integrasi semua teknologi parkir yang ada. PARKGENE mengeluarkan token GENE, untuk digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran parkir antara pengemudi dan pemilik spot parkir. 

Bagaimana sahabat crypto Indonesia…??? ini adalah kesempatan untuk anda yang ingin berinvestasi, jika anda ingin berpartisipasi dalam ICO dan ingin berinvestasi dengan Parkgene, anda bisa mengunjungi link yang saya sematakan di bawah ini, ICO tinggal 10 Hari lagi, buruaaaaann…. yang belum beli ayoo jangan sampai kehabisan…



PARKGENE – Revolution Of parking With Blockchain

Hello friends! I am happy to learn news related to various events in the world of cryptocurrency! Today I have the opportunity to meet very interesting and promising projects, which will be relevant in any country in the world. As you know, progress does not stand still and gradually various technologies are implemented in our daily lives. Urbanization on one side is transparent, but on the other hand this process is striking for its speed and magnitude. It determines the new living conditions and of course there are often some problems, especially in the overcrowded cities of the world. I think that it is not necessary to explain that modern man spends hours on time in the impure traffic. Wasting time on the road to work and back, but that’s not all we encounter almost every day. Even if you’re lucky today and you’re not late, it’s very often a problem arises when people just can not find a free Parking spot. Familiar, agree?
Fortunately, we came to the rescue of projects like PARKGENE, designed to facilitate and not so simple driver and pedestrian lives.
PARKGENE is a progressive solution of our time, which will be used as physical persons and legal entities. According to various reports, Parking business is about a hundred million dollars per year, but the global problem of this market segment lies in the fact that Parking is chaotic and disjointed. Do you think if we succeed in destroying the old system of Parking and making it more accessible, safe and comfortable, how will this affect the industry? Really! Income will increase, people will get good service, and living in the city will be much easier and more convenient! All is well.
PARKGENE aims to optimize all stages of Parking and bring this business to a new, modern and high quality. As a payment for the service to be used by an internal token platform, it is called a GEN token. Tokens will be integrated and available for direct payments from your phone, allowing drivers to use services and to enjoy high quality services.
Now, briefly I will tell you how this service works. It’s very simple. Drivers search for Parking spots, “agree” with the owner of the Parking lot and through the application on your mobile phone booked the place and then pay for this service, depending on the tariff. In order to avoid a variety of controversial issues or situations of conflict by reserving space Parking automatically begins “smart contract” the PARKGENE project on Ethereum blockchain, which is publicly available. For selected services, PARKGENE apps take a certain amount of your wallet in GEN and temporarily transfers token wallets, if the user does not have sufficient funds in the account. If the driver has sufficient funds in the account, he or she can easily use your Bank card or other available payment methods. It will also be available for payment of services with cryptocurrency such as bitcoin or ether. On a positive aspect of user interaction with the final PARKGENEне project. After successful backup through this application, the driver gets easy access. It will be available to open the garage door directly from your mobile phone, and the Owners parking lot will control the entry and exit of the vehicle, which greatly enhances the safety of your vehicle. All this at a very competitive price. It is not the whole range that can offer this platform, but only a fraction of it. On a positive aspect of user interaction with the final PARKGENEне project. After successful backup through this application, the driver gets easy access. It will be available to open the garage door directly from your mobile phone, and the Owners parking lot will control the in and out of the vehicle, which greatly enhances the safety of your vehicle. All this at a very competitive price. It is not the whole range that can offer this platform, but only a fraction of it. On a positive aspect of user interaction with the final PARKGENEне project. After successful backup through this application, the driver gets easy access. It will be available to open the garage door directly from your mobile phone, and the Owners parking lot will control the in and out of the vehicle, which greatly enhances the safety of your vehicle. All this at a very competitive price. It is not the whole range that can offer this platform, but only a fraction of it.
Because what will increase the price of GEN coins?
GEN tokens are released in limited quantities, or to be more precise, 1 000 000 000 GEN tokens. Demand because of the prospects of use from modern innovative platforms, gives reason to expect demand for services, drivers, and will be involved in major partner projects.
Professional team and technology work:
I think that successful and workable ideas promoted by professionals are key to the success of any project. The project team has made a significant contribution to the development of modern technology that can be improved globally and to make a successful business. PARKGENE based on MVP is a mechanism or approach to the construction business, which is already available in Europe and North America. To date, the number of regular users is over 45,000 thousand.
Token platform, details ASIO:
Experienced and ambitious team of existing platforms is their own vision strategy on how all this should and can be implemented.
Platform tokens supported by the Ethereum blockchain
Name – GEN
Token standard ERC20
Payment received in Ether, Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Cash, Dash, Litecoin and USD
Available throughout the sales period, which, incidentally, is now
General token sales date available from 15 January 2018
In order to participate in online, and receive marks from the platform, each user must register and create an account on the official website.
Map road project PARKGENE:
PARKGENE project and advisory team:
If after reading my article you are interested in this project, which I think is worth knowing, like many people, you can go to the official website of this project and to read the technical documentation. Hope you made the right decision and supported this beautiful project! Good luck.


Hello friend, This time I will review a project that developed a platform that allows users to quickly get a decent parking space for their vehicles, this platform is uniquely supported by Blockchain technology. Wondering what is Parkgene? Read on my explanation of the following parkgene.


Parkgene is an easy and safe way to find parking lots, connect drivers, individuals and businesses. Every driver knows how difficult it is to find a decent parking space in a crowded city. Either it’s too expensive or crowded so you can not find a place. It is very frustrating to find and even if by chance we find something, most likely it is in the corner of a shady and expensive parking lot without any protection or supervision so we are finally afraid that we will come back and find the car without the Wheels will just disappear . Even if we find a place that is not a shady parking lot, it will most likely be on a busy street away from where we want to go and it’s still not ideal because who knows if someone will not scratch it. or worse than that. To be honest I do not like good options so ideas like PARKGENE are perfect for me.

Check out the following Video:

Our vision is to disrupt traditional industries – especially offline – Parking, $ 100 Billion per year, and to provide a better driver driving experience, while helping the city become more intelligent and environmentally friendly. We will establish GENE tokens as currency for industry automotive, which allows drivers to pay for parking and integrate it with mobility services, vehicles, and automotive infrastructure.


That is the easiest question to answer honestly. PARKGENE eliminates the need to locate physically, deal with shady parking issues and let you stay calm because your car is in a safe place. With an app that has a beta version coming out in February 2018, people can find a safe parking spot easily and we’ll pay less for it. This app uses peer-to-peer technology to connect drivers with parking owners directly. After reservation the app will transfer the required amount from the driver’s wallet to the park’s owner. Let me tell you something you might have guessed: it will not transfer dollars or euros. PARKGENE sets GENE tokens as the primary currency to use in apps.


Drivers look for parking spaces connected with parking owners via PARKGENE application. As soon as the driver reserves a parking space, the reservation triggers the intelligent PARKGENE contract on the Etereum Public Blockchain. The PARKGENE application transfers the full amount of parking fees, in GENES, from the driver’s wallet to the storage ). If the driver does not have enough GENE, he can use his credit card or other payment tool (bitcoins, ether) to buy GENE in real-time and pay for transactions.
Successful bookings and payments offer drivers and parking owners additional features needed to complete the parking session: For example, the driver will have the ability to open the garage door using his cell phone while the parking owner is notified and can monitor incoming vehicles and departures. This optional function is possible by using a remote access tool, currently available on the market, integrated on the PARKGENE platform, or via a low-cost PARKGENE device. At the end of a successful transaction, the parties conclude a smart contract on Ethereum, with admission and confirmation about the blockchain. The parking lot owners receive 75% of smart contracts at the GENE tokens, from storage to their wallets, when drivers check out from the parking lot.

The remaining 25% is distributed as follows:

– 5% of the total amount is paid to the owners of parking lots and parking lots as they take some actions that increase the ecosystem (eg Rating, reviews).

– 20% of the total amount paid to PARKGENE to cover operational, development, cloud services and advertising costs.

At any time, platform users can buy or sell GENE tokens for FIAT currency (USD, EUR, JPY, CNY, etc.) or other power crypts (BTC, ETH, etc.) Using multiple exchange cryptocurrency services that trade GENE tokens. GENE is available in a limited edition of 1,000,000,000 GENE Tokens. We expect that the increase in users and the number of smart contracts will increase GENE demand among drivers, resulting in tokens that other service providers (ie Tolls, Car Wash, Car Insurance, Tow service providers etc.) will receive payment for their services.

PARKGENE More than just a parking service that includes:
• Professional parking service
• Municipalities
• Automotive related:
           • Car wash
           • Toll
           • Automotive Services
           • Parts
           • Insurance
To run the PARKGENE vision, we launched Token Sale to publish a GENE token in the public Ethereum block. A Token called GENE Tokens will be offered during PRA-ICO Closed Round and ICO general sales. On December 15, 2017, PARKGENE will launch a PRA-ICO Closed Round to distribute up to 2% of token inventory (hard cover during PRA-ICO Closed Round Token Sale is 20 million Token Genes). To participate in the PRA-ICO Closed Round Token Sale you must qualify and accept the invitation. [The PRE-ICO Closed Round is SOLD-OUT] The Public ICO will begin on January 15, 2018, at 10:00 am, to distribute up to 35% of token supplies.
Unsold GENE tokens in the ICO phase will be burned
 ICO will be conducted at PARKGENE Token Sale Platform. In order to participate in ICO PARKGENE and get a Token GENE, you must register to get a free account. Token GENE will be issued as an ERC20 backup token for Ethereum blocking so you need Ethereal compatible wallet with ERC20 to receive it.You can pay in Ethers, Bitcoins, Bitcoin Cash, Dash. Litecoin and USD via wire transferToken GEN will be issued in Blockain Ethereal at the end of Sale Token and distributed to contributors. We expect GENE to be traded on the Cryptocurrency Exchange shortly after its issuance.
Further information



CoinLion is the industry solution for navigating the complex jungle of trading and managing digital currencies. We believe trading cryptocurrencies should be a rewarding process. CoinLion empowers digital currency investors to trade and manage portfolios under one powerful platform while providing market research and analytics to enable smart trading. CoinLion users can earn the native token LION for sharing portfolios, research, data and strategies with users. In a rapidly expanding market with no simple solution, CoinLion users enjoy access to a dedicated customer service team devoted to answering questions and keeping up with evolving regulatory and compliant standards.


CoinLion’s vision is to create an ecosystem whereby users will be able to manage their digital assets (cryptocurrency) and use a variety of analytic tools to become a better investor/trader. In other words, CoinLion wants to be a one-stop-shop trading platform.

Part of the solution is having the right tools, and the other part is creating a robust ecosystem/community were a person can learn, grow and share ideas.


Every exchange thinks their business model and capabilities are the best. I’m going to spare you from talking about CoinLion’s the baseline capabilities that I feel, all exchanges, at the minimum, should offer at a high-level, such as friendly user interface, security, and customer service. Instead, I’ll focus on CoinLion’s unique offerings (Portfolio Management Tool, Dual Blockchain System, ICO underwriting, and several security features) that will set them apart from the rest of the crowd.


CoinLion’s answer to the tool part of the equation is their Portfolio Management Tool (PMT). CoinLion’s PMT will allow users to create multiple portfolios to manage their digital assets in a simple and efficient manner.

At the same time, CoinLion members will also be able to share their portfolios, strategies, and research with like-minded CoinLion members. That is the other half of the equation, which is to create an ecosystem/community.

CoinLion members will also be able to generate revenue and win bonuses from CoinLion and other members when they allow their portfolio(s) to be publicly tracked and published. In other words, this allows traders to generate LION (CoinLion’s native token) simply for sharing their portfolios and strategies within the community.


I’m not familiar with many blockchains that have adopted this system. Vericoin (VRC) is the only one that I’m aware of that has adopted the architecture. It is highly likely that CoinLion is the first and only exchange to adopt it.

DBS is designed for speed to track and monitor transactions. Each blockchain serves a specific purpose and when working together it makes it possible to achieve complete integrity, immutability (unchangeable), and transparency.

CoinLion uses one blockchain to store specific data related buy and sell orders to sync with the matching engine. CoinLion’s second blockchain stores data specific to each transaction. This dual blockchain uses geographically distributed nodes to confirm transactions and preserve the decentralized nature of the blockchain.


Offering ICO underwriting isn’t a new concept. Cobinhood also offers underwriting services. The difference is Cobinhood plans to subsidize user exchange fees with their underwriting revenue, while CoinLion’s service will list new coins to the platform and LION holders will have access to purchase ICOs at a discounted rate.

While underwriting serves the purpose to offer quality coins on the platform as well as provide added liquidity for new coins, the main purpose is to capture businesses looking for an advantage by getting a head start. It’s a situation where everyone can win.


I know I said earlier that 100% security should be a given. However, I feel compelled to write a few distinct platform features that are uncommon with the first generation of exchanges.

Circuit Breaker: CoinLion’s platform will include a built-in circuit breaker (same as traditional stock exchanges) to protect from flash crashes. The circuit breaker will be available for main currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). However, the circuit breaker is not designed to prevent integrity of the markets, instead it exists to protect specific currencies from moving 25% in 5 minutes. In the event of a 25% move in a 5 minute period trading will halt for an hour. As currencies mature, more will be added to the policy.

Cold Storage: CoinLion stores 98% of deposits in cold storage. The remaining 2% will be used to facilitate faster processing of withdrawals.

Insurance: Hacking is a high risk. Chinese exchange GBL and Mount GOX lost a combined 395 million worth of BTC. While those examples happened several years ago, the risk persists today.

To quell investor worry, CoinLion will offer full pay out insurance if CoinLion has a (successful) attack on its online storage. As an added insurance for United States residents, FDIC will insure accounts up to $250,000. FDIC involvement is a first that I’ve seen.


CoinLion’s ERC-20 native token’s symbol is LION. It will be used to reward and incentivize users to create and share portfolios, strategies and research within the CoinLion ecosystem.

LION HODLers will be able to spend the token for these purposes:

SPENDSIDEEARNSIDETrade for free (only applies to LION trading)Publicly share your portfolio to allow others to track itReceive 25% discount to the maker/taker trading cost scheduleAdvertise your portfolioCreate, track, advertise, and duplicate portfoliosCreate and share strategies with other usersAccess research and analyticsCreate and share research for other members or COINLION research and analytics libraryAccess to ICOs launched within the platformEarn LION for being a top performer or researcher


CIRCULATION: 250,000,000 at ICO



Phase 1: Week 1 (18/DEC-7/JAN)20%1 ETH = 3000

Phase 1: Week 215%1 ETH = 2865

Phase 1: Week 310%1 ETH = 270012

Phase 2: Week 1 (12/FEB-25/FEB)5%1 ETH = 2625

Phase 2: Week 20%1 ETH = 2500




CoinLion’s vision is certainly ambitious because it’s a new concept. The addition of their PMT and building a strong community depends on one thing: active users that find value in the CoinLion’s ecosystem. At this point everything is theory. CoinLion won’t know if they have a hit until they see user data (registration, attrition, retention, PMT use, etc.). I’m sure CoinLion is looking for a userbase tipping point level where the PMT tools will increase in value as more members hop aboard. CoinLion may also need to tweak the incentives to join and build a strong user community.

Regardless, I think CoinLion represents the 2nd generation of exchanges where users don’t just trade, but also interact and share ideas with other like-minded users. It’s almost a hybrid between an exchange and social media site, but native to the CoinLion platform.

I also noted that this is the second exchange that will offer ICO underwriting services. I think it’s a great idea. I hope ICOs will start noticing that they can raise more funds through underwriting. As an investor, I want to pick a company that is going through an underwriting process over one that is not.

In addition, I will feel more secure with exchanges that have a strong insurance policy against hacking. While insurance won’t cover someone targeting me (not the platform), I hope insurance also becomes more of a standard in the industry.

Overall, I’m excited to use CoinLion’s platform to see how it matures. This type of exchange is a step in the right direction.


CoinLion Website
Token Sale Summary
Legal Analysis

Hdac – The platform is created to stimulate the IoT market and its growth

Welcome in my blog, i will introduce a new token. This is Hdac, Hdac is a smart token based on Blockchain generated on the Hdac platform, designed to perform a given task under various command conditions in an IoT environment. Hdac provides these crypto currency functions and a simple environment for making payments, as well as the rationality and efficiency that Hdac pursues, is the micro-payment selection platform for use with IoT devices.


In addition, Hdac will develop on a specialized platform based on crypto currency, providing a hardware purse to ensure the user’s security and convenience of payment to service the above communication and payments between M2M and IoT devices.


In such conditions as a smart home or a factory, various devices equipped with sensors that are tightly connected by means of private Blockchain can be configured for safer and more reliable control in accordance with each other’s conditions. Private Blockchain is configured to perform not only user authentication, but also mutual authentication between devices, the creation and reliable recording of operation data and scenarios based on IoT scenarios.


The company creates a reliable ecosystem in which micropayment services pass through the common Hdac space and private target chains with targeted goals, setting up private and public Blockchain so that they are interrelated.


The use of private Blockchain is practical only if they can interact with public Blockchain that already work. In this regard, the company provides Hdac – a platform and a public Blockchain that supports crypto currency, which can be effectively used with several private Blockchain. In other words, using Hdac’s Blockchain key, micropayments are possible outside the P2P settlement of the public Blockchain. In a controlled private network, the company implements Machine Currency for mutual contracts and payments between IoT devices, thereby providing more affordable, reliable and secure processes of consumption and payment.

Since the initial Blockchain technology is becoming popular due to its features of decentralization, transparency, usability and reliability, its applicability is expanding in such sectors as crypto currency, attendance check, forecast markets and international finance. Therefore, as the number of transactions and data increases, it is necessary to consider the case when the state


More Information, please visit below :

By Viacintami :;u=1230031
BTC Address : 1Mrwk1v3AwKXGNEqSq6Z2SWoojycrUS8dK

BANKEX Proof-of-Asset protocol


The integrated Kryptobank is an ICO project that is likely to be over 80 percent successful, what is needed today with a bitcoin price boom of 100 million rupiahs today will encourage some conventional investors to join the krypto world that is still illegal in some countries including Indonesia, if bitcoin continues to rise and persist for decades then there is a surge of users possible countries that have not legalized bitcoin will begin to shift and will start a new regulation for bitcoin transactions.Over the last decade there has been an explosion in demand for digital payments without money (online transactions) The volume of global transactions grew by 11.2% during 2014-2015 to reach 433 billion, partly driven by Emerging Asia. Cryptoeconomy and especially crypto grow at a phenomenal rate. It is estimated that by 2020 the crypto economy will exceed three trillion dollars and by 2022 could be equivalent to 10% of the world’s GDP.

BANKEX is an organization that unites members of the financial markets in order to build a community and implement theProof-of-Asset Protocol enables community members to profit from mutual use of as-sets.
The product of BANKEX is the Proof-of-Asset Protocol, which solves the issue of non-fungible assetliquidity. Proof-of-Asset means the token released as part of the protocol is ensured with an asset. The know-how of BANKEX is the Proof-of-Asset protocol, in essence a combination of BaaS (Bank-as-a-Service) and blockchain technologies. We take a client asset,primarily on the financial market, we tokenize it, then, without waiting for the portfolio to accumulate critical mass, we turn this asset into moneyfor the bank. This is made possible through formation of a single pool of similar assets (e.g., pool of banks) there by creating a marketplace, where banks benefit from liquidity and investors benefit from a predictable and transparent cash flow.



(PoA) is a standard that enables new generation of assets and contracts called Decentralized capital markets. We are building Internet of Assets (IoA) on the principles of Bank-as-a-Service (BaaS), powered by Internet of Things (IoT) and ArtificialIntelligence (AI) technologies.

PoA protocol is open for 3rd party fintech providers, AI and IOT labs, traditional financial institutions and asset owners.

BankEx is listed in the Top 50 fintech startups of the world as Decentralized Bank-as-s-Service Exchange.

White List Information

The purpose of the White List is to give BANKEX supporters and followers early access to the public sale to ensure everyone gets a fair chance to participate.

  • Registration Period is open during Oct 10 — Nov 27 2017
  • Tokens 250,000,000 tokens are available for sale
  • Contribution Min/Max are: 1 — 100 ETH
  • Geography Only non-residents of USA and China

How to contribute

You can contribute to the BKX token sale using MyEtherWallet or MetaMask. To join the BANKEX Token Sale, you can purchase BKX tokens directly from the Token Sale smart contract. Check out this guide to learn how to purchase using MyEtherWallet and MetaMask.

Public Token Sale
starts November 28, 2017

For more information :

EXCHANGE WCX — Global Low-Cost Digital Currency Exchange


Our long-term strategy is simple. We put clients first.

  • Tiny Fees. Some exchanges charge up to 1% in fees on every transaction. WCX is 10x cheaper and market makers are paid. That means more money stays in your pocket.
  • Secure. 98% of customer funds are kept in cold storage at all times. Server infrastructure is segregated and protected with the latest security software.
  • Built For Scale. Our trading engine was built by Wall Street veterans and field tested for three years, relaying over one million transactions per second without hiccups.
  • Radically Better User Experience. A unified and powerful trading dashboard means WCX feels fast, fluid, and intuitive on both desktop and mobile.
  • Awesome Customer Support. Our scalable customer support team is ready to answer your questions whenever you need to ask them, even in times of high traffic.
  • Global & Anonymous. Start trading wherever you are in the world — no ID verification required. WCX operates entirely with digital currency and does not deal with banks.
  • Advanced Order Types. Easily submit market, limit, stop, trailing stop, and block orders that work exactly as you expect — with unmatched execution speed.
  • High-Performance API. Trade programmatically by connecting directly to WCX through REST, WebSocket, or FIX for high frequency traders.
  • Team. Our team comes from Apple, Deutsche Bank, and IBM, and has decades of experience in building secure, distributed, and massive-volume systems.

What are WCX Tokens (WCXT)?

10 WCX = 1 USD at ICO

As a holder of WCX Tokens, you’re entitled to a portion of WCX’s revenue.

20% of all revenue generated by WCX is automatically paid out to token holders, in amounts based on each holder’s share of the total amount of tokens.

As an exchange, WCX collects fees in many digital currencies. That means that holding WCXT is equivalent to holding a passive income portfolio of diverse digital currencies.

When a friend signs up using your unique link, you get 50 WCXT + 5% of the WCXT they buy, and they get an extra 15% bonus when they buy WCXT.



Latium Token With a Purpose

Latium is the world’s first decentralized platform for real world projects and community driven initiatives. Latium’s goal is to improve the world by making a transparent decentralized platform to help harness the world’s labor force, while increasing labor equality and opportunity for those who may not have the ability or opportunity to find work. By creating a digital platform that allows for real world actions to be taken and digital reward given Latiumhelps bridge the gap between the digital and physical world. You can view more at

The Latium ecosystem will consist of many components, but the major roles are played by task doers and task makers. Task makers consist of anyone (Persons, Companies, Organizations, Governments, etc) with a desire to have an action completed and willing to pay a reward to whomever is willing to complete the required task (task doer).

Task doers consist of anyone (Persons, Companies, Organizations, Governments, etc) willing to complete a task for a reward. In its most basic form Latium is a platform to exchange effort for reward or vice versa. There are many basic examples (Freelancer, Fiver, Upwork, etc.) but all of these examples are very limited in scope and do not facilitate the much broader needs of a global labor market. The Latium platform will allow users around the globe to create tasks of any size, from getting more twitter followers to providing clean water to a Sub-Saharan African community. No task is too big or too small for Latium.

Token Symbol: LATX

Overview of Token Structure

Token Sale: 180,000,000 LATX (60% of total supply) tokens available during all phases of the token sale. Any tokens not sold during this period will be burned.

Platform Adoption Incentives:60,000,000 LATX (20% of total supply) will be used for promotion once the Latium platform is in production. These tokens will provide incentives to sign up and use the Latium platform during the ramp up of production. New users will be allocated a certain amount of tokens to use within the Latium Ecosystem (cannot be withdrawn but can be spent on task creation). These 60 million tokens will be held in a lockup contract and released, according to the schedule below, for use in the system. After release, these funds will be held in a single contract. The only function of this contract will be to release tokens to platform users and will be made available for public inspection prior to the first token release in order to ensure transparency. The below schedule is the maximum that can be withdrawn on a given date. The amount of the withdrawal will be determined at the time of release up to the maximum allowed by the lockup contract. The amount withdrawn will be solely up to the management team and based on project requirements at the time of release. This contract has been made available on Github for public review and

15 million LATX Tokens released — January 31st, 2018

15 million LATX Tokens released — April 30th, 2018

15 million LATX Tokens released — July 31st, 2018

15 million LATX Tokens final incentive released — October 31st, 2018

Founder’s Lockup Contract:45,000,000 LATX (15% of total supply) tokens will be held in the founder’s lockup contract for 12 months releasing November 1st 2018. These funds will be used to expand the management team after production release in key areas and founder’s equity. This amount is the maximum amount that can be withdrawn from the Lockup contract. The amounts actually withdrawn will be left up to the founders to decide up to the maximum allowed by the contract. This contract has been made available on Github for public review.

Bounty Programs:15,000,000 LATX (5% of total supply) will be allocated for bounty programs. The following programs are included in this allocation Wings (1% of total supply), General Affiliate System (up to 2.6% of total supply), General Bounty (1% of total supply), Marketing bounties (0.4% of total supply), such as promotional programs, content writing, etc. The Marketing Bounty is an additional bounty campaign, not a guaranteed distribution and will be up to the management team who can receive this bounty. To apply for the Marketing bounty campaign, please, contact


All payments within the Latium Platform will be made using the LATX ERC20 token. This is truly a token with a purpose.

Latium will be hosting a token sale for the new LATX ERC20 token, which will be the only form of payment within the platform. You can purchase the LATX token using ETH.



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