PARKGENE – Revolution Of parking With Blockchain

Hello friends! I am happy to learn news related to various events in the world of cryptocurrency! Today I have the opportunity to meet very interesting and promising projects, which will be relevant in any country in the world. As you know, progress does not stand still and gradually various technologies are implemented in our daily lives. Urbanization on one side is transparent, but on the other hand this process is striking for its speed and magnitude. It determines the new living conditions and of course there are often some problems, especially in the overcrowded cities of the world. I think that it is not necessary to explain that modern man spends hours on time in the impure traffic. Wasting time on the road to work and back, but that’s not all we encounter almost every day. Even if you’re lucky today and you’re not late, it’s very often a problem arises when people just can not find a free Parking spot. Familiar, agree?
Fortunately, we came to the rescue of projects like PARKGENE, designed to facilitate and not so simple driver and pedestrian lives.
PARKGENE is a progressive solution of our time, which will be used as physical persons and legal entities. According to various reports, Parking business is about a hundred million dollars per year, but the global problem of this market segment lies in the fact that Parking is chaotic and disjointed. Do you think if we succeed in destroying the old system of Parking and making it more accessible, safe and comfortable, how will this affect the industry? Really! Income will increase, people will get good service, and living in the city will be much easier and more convenient! All is well.
PARKGENE aims to optimize all stages of Parking and bring this business to a new, modern and high quality. As a payment for the service to be used by an internal token platform, it is called a GEN token. Tokens will be integrated and available for direct payments from your phone, allowing drivers to use services and to enjoy high quality services.
Now, briefly I will tell you how this service works. It’s very simple. Drivers search for Parking spots, “agree” with the owner of the Parking lot and through the application on your mobile phone booked the place and then pay for this service, depending on the tariff. In order to avoid a variety of controversial issues or situations of conflict by reserving space Parking automatically begins “smart contract” the PARKGENE project on Ethereum blockchain, which is publicly available. For selected services, PARKGENE apps take a certain amount of your wallet in GEN and temporarily transfers token wallets, if the user does not have sufficient funds in the account. If the driver has sufficient funds in the account, he or she can easily use your Bank card or other available payment methods. It will also be available for payment of services with cryptocurrency such as bitcoin or ether. On a positive aspect of user interaction with the final PARKGENEне project. After successful backup through this application, the driver gets easy access. It will be available to open the garage door directly from your mobile phone, and the Owners parking lot will control the entry and exit of the vehicle, which greatly enhances the safety of your vehicle. All this at a very competitive price. It is not the whole range that can offer this platform, but only a fraction of it. On a positive aspect of user interaction with the final PARKGENEне project. After successful backup through this application, the driver gets easy access. It will be available to open the garage door directly from your mobile phone, and the Owners parking lot will control the in and out of the vehicle, which greatly enhances the safety of your vehicle. All this at a very competitive price. It is not the whole range that can offer this platform, but only a fraction of it. On a positive aspect of user interaction with the final PARKGENEне project. After successful backup through this application, the driver gets easy access. It will be available to open the garage door directly from your mobile phone, and the Owners parking lot will control the in and out of the vehicle, which greatly enhances the safety of your vehicle. All this at a very competitive price. It is not the whole range that can offer this platform, but only a fraction of it.
Because what will increase the price of GEN coins?
GEN tokens are released in limited quantities, or to be more precise, 1 000 000 000 GEN tokens. Demand because of the prospects of use from modern innovative platforms, gives reason to expect demand for services, drivers, and will be involved in major partner projects.
Professional team and technology work:
I think that successful and workable ideas promoted by professionals are key to the success of any project. The project team has made a significant contribution to the development of modern technology that can be improved globally and to make a successful business. PARKGENE based on MVP is a mechanism or approach to the construction business, which is already available in Europe and North America. To date, the number of regular users is over 45,000 thousand.
Token platform, details ASIO:
Experienced and ambitious team of existing platforms is their own vision strategy on how all this should and can be implemented.
Platform tokens supported by the Ethereum blockchain
Name – GEN
Token standard ERC20
Payment received in Ether, Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Cash, Dash, Litecoin and USD
Available throughout the sales period, which, incidentally, is now
General token sales date available from 15 January 2018
In order to participate in online, and receive marks from the platform, each user must register and create an account on the official website.
Map road project PARKGENE:
PARKGENE project and advisory team:
If after reading my article you are interested in this project, which I think is worth knowing, like many people, you can go to the official website of this project and to read the technical documentation. Hope you made the right decision and supported this beautiful project! Good luck.

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